How To Measure Your House

WATCH: Learn how to measure your house like an agent.
Measure Your House
Measuring your property is one of the most important aspects of listing your house for sale. Buyers are looking for square footage and room size when searching online.
You need your measurements to be accurate.
Follow this helpful video to gather all the measurements you need of your house for your listing.
Check Out The Video Below
Important Note: For best practice use a measuring tape in decimals instead of inches.
There are also some useful apps out there to guide you along.
TOTAL for mobile can help you keep track of your properties measurements.
Check out TOTAL on Google Play
Example Listing Cut
To get an idea of how measurements come into play on your listing cut I have attached an example below.
I have highlighted all the areas in the listing cut where your measurements come into play.
You will see that the measurements take up a lot of the content.
Your measurements are found at the top of the listing cut for the Square Footage (MLA) and Total Square Footage (TLA), as well as the Building Dimensions of the house.
The measurements of a specific room were highlighted in the property description of the listing. This is a great example where accuracy is important to showcase the properties attributes.
Finally, the measurements take up the entire lower portion of the listing where each room is described and their size is displayed.
Download the Listing Cut Example
It is important to note listing cuts do differ from province to province. The example given is from Nova Scotia. However, all provinces require the same measurement requirements to be presented on their listings to be published onto the MLS system.
If you have started the task of collecting measurements for your property and have some questions. Please feel free to reach out to us at anytime.